MISO is licensed under GPL 2+ license. It is available as the Python package misopy from Pypi (Python Package Index) here:
Get misopy from pypi
Alternatively, you can get the sources of the latest version from the GitHub collaborative coding repository:MISO GitHub repository (https://github.com/yarden/MISO)GitHub is a collaborative way of distributing open-source projects. For help accessing the repository, please see detailed instructions for obtaining a git repository.
MISO from the latest GitHub
repository can be downloaded as a
zipfile without going through GitHub here:
- C version of MISO (fastmiso), from GitHub fastmiso branch (.zip): Newly released fast version of MISO written in the C programming language, equipped with a Python interface that is identical to the original Python-only version of MISO.
- Python-only version of MISO [DEPRECATED], from GitHub dev branch (.zip): Version of MISO written only in Python. Identical in interface to C version.
We welcome suggestions and contributions from users.