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How accurate is GENSCAN for human/vertebrate sequences?
How accurate is GENSCAN for invertebrate and plant sequences?
What are some of the limitations of GENSCAN?
How useful are the exon
probabilities assigned by GENSCAN?
What are suboptimal exons and what are they good for?
What can be done about repetitive elements?
Burge, C. and Karlin, S. (1997) Prediction of complete gene structures in human genomic DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 268, 78-94.
The splice site models used are described in more detail in:
Burge, C. B. (1998) Modeling dependencies in pre-mRNA splicing signals. In Salzberg, S., Searls, D. and Kasif, S., eds. Computational Methods in Molecular Biology, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 127-163.
See also:
Burge, C. B. and Karlin, S. (1998) Finding the genes in genomic DNA. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 8, 346-354.
Address any comments/questions/suggestions to:
Chris Burge
Copyright © 1997-2000 Christopher Burge
GENSCAN is freely available for academic use. Executables are currently available for the following Unix platforms: Sun/Solaris, SGI/Irix, DEC/Tru64 and Intel/Linux. Platforms not listed are not currently available. To obtain a copy of Genscan for academic use, do the following: